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小编: 甜味拾荒者



  Tomorrow is the new years Eve. Its my birthday. A few days ago, my father and mother were all fighting snow, and they were not free to buy gifts for me. Today, the rain and snow are still on the ground, mother accompanied me to the toy store to choose a birthday gift.


  The toys in the store are beautiful, with a remote racing car, a gyroscope, a Yo Yo, a car model... Wow, I finally found the dream of Transformers in a pile of toys, there are a lot of Transformers species, I quickly carry presbyopia, pick ah pick, I finally settled on a "leizhen day" of Transformers, its shell is yellow, the bumper and the car frame is black, while can become a Hummer H2, while they can become a Transformers, is simply awesome!


  I like it very much, but I love my parents to give me a gift!



  Since reading, I have the deepest impression is almost each of my Chinese teacher asked us to write the word, for our word. Although I listened to the teacher, I didnt stick to it. I only practise once in a while. Now I really regret that I wasted too much time on my character, and I didnt practice it well. This years winter vacation when school principals to our winter vacation homework, I want to use a word for winter vacation time.


  But after three days practice, two pages per day, fourth days, the heart is a little itchy. Think about it. Forget it. Anyway, it will not be written at any time, but another voice is remembered in the ear. We must stick to it and not give up. Finally, after the conflict, I persisted. Especially when I met the unpleasant things, I took out paper and pen, and quietly practiced the word, and the result was nothing. Now the word has become a habit in my life, if which day does not practice think there is one thing not finished. Through my own efforts, now my word has made certain progress, and in the future I will continue to stick to it.



  At the beginning of the year four, Grandpa and grandma took us eleven people and went to the tiger running.


  The tiger is a famous scenic spot in Hangzhou, speaking of its origin there is a beautiful legend, long ago a big tiger and two tigers two brothers, they in order to allow the villagers to drink &ldquo in Heng Mountain; the boy, at &rdquo springs; become two beautiful tiger, with palm springs water pipe elf “ the boy &rdquo leads to Hangzhou springs. To commemorate them, the villagers named the spring &ldquo, and the tiger spring ”


  The winter tiger, not many visitors, pine against the white snow is vigorous. Hangzhou this winter is really cold, the ice house along the hanging more than 20 cm long, in the sunlight is more sparkling, I feel the winter tiger scenery beautiful ah!


  The tiger run has built many new attractions, such as the temple of Ji Gong, the memorial hall of the Hongyi division, … … our family is walking and appreciating the beauty. At noon, the people in the tea room tea, chat, I and two elder brother playfulness is strong, and got up and hit the ice, snowball fights. After a while, two uncle and dad to join the team fights. Then, we divided into two groups, adult group and child group were “ battlefield ”. The two brother has already surpassed his father and two uncle, and he was backed by him, and I was not afraid. In a moment, the snowball flew in the air, both players left and right, and it was hard to hit the target. Just as I was proud of myself, two of my uncles snowball hit me in the face. I couldnt care for the pain. I fought hard with my two brothers, and I flew a snowball to my two uncles chest and back. Dont look at our age group, the snow fight is closecall.


  In my grandmothers greeting, we stopped “ the war ” a peaceful lunch.


  I love our big family.