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浙江义乌市实验小学 六(4) 王晨晨




  中秋不但是一个充斥着美丽传说的传统节日,也是一个颇具诗情画意的传统节日,从古到今,有很多文人雅士为此写出一篇篇不朽的经典著作,有的咏月颂月,也有借月抒怀。苏东坡的《水调歌头》,王唯的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》令人想到远在异乡的游子的思乡怀亲之情中 国文化教育文摘wWw.edUZHai.neT。







  Today is August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival, is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, today my mother got up early, and we quickly prepared something, go out before the mother said: Yuxin, ye who give grandmother they buy something, I said : Okay, ok, ok, go to grandmother today? Mom said: Yes, I am so happy. You can go to grandmother sister home, my mother bought some pastry and milk, and then went to grandmother, and to the grandmother, grandmother said: Showtime, to learn ah, listen to my father and mother, grandmother next year to give you prizes.

  Oh, I Said: Thank you grandmother, grandmother laughed, I laughed, my mother went home and said to me: Showtime, you are great, grandmother said to me, Showtime performance is very good. I said to my mother: Thank you mother, I will listen to your words, Showtime is good, my mother said grace, my mother took a moon cake from the bag, said: Mid-Autumn Festival happy, I said to my mother: I am excited.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is so nice!


  I liked the Autumn Festival very much when I was a small girl, because I was with my family then. On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar, when the moon was brightest, we always sat together outside in our yard to eat moon cakes, eaten only on this occasion, and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. Mother would then tell me the story of the moon fairy Chang-o, who lived in a palace on the moon, with a jade rabbit for companion. I always imagined that I was the moon fairy whenever I heard the story. When I grew older, however, I was compelled to leave home for education in the city. And now I am living alone away from home. The August moon only serves to remind me of the lost happy days I had with my family in the country.
