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小编: 北海有鱼

在学习培训、工作中或日常生活,大家都触碰过作文吧。写作文能够 锻练大家的独处习惯性,让自身的心静出来,思索自身将来的方位。下边是我为大伙儿整理的英语简单自我介绍作文初中带翻译600字【优选2篇】下边是我为大伙儿梳理的,热烈欢迎阅读文章,期待大伙儿可以喜爱。


  Just before exposure to English, I am very excited. Almost every night to sleep, always thinking to read english. Now, I have been learning English for six years, I found that I love you more and more English, and found that life can not be separated from it. I made up my mind to learn English well, you must. Every day I went to ask the teacher, ask the students. Before long, my English has improved. I am in the process of learning English, gained a lot of happiness. Therefore, I love english!

  中文意思:在刚触碰到英语的情况下,我十分激动。基本上每一个夜里都睡不好觉,老是惦记着要读英语。如今,我学英语有六年時间了,我发现了我越来越爱英文,发现生活上都离不了它。我下定决心,一定要把英文学精。我每日去求教教师,去问同学们。没多久,我的`英语成绩就拥有提升 。我在学习英语的全过程中,获得到许多开心。因此,我爱英语!


  I have many dreams.For example,I want to be rich in the future. Therefore I can buy all what I want.

  But my greatest dream is that I want to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the World Cup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.

  In order to make my dream come true I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true one day.

  是我许多理想,例如希望未来越来越颇具,那样我也能够 买我想买的一切。

  可是我较大 的梦想是变成一名宇航员。大家国家发展得迅速,并且过去几十年中外太空获得了巨大进步,有很多大造就,任何人都为此自豪。因而,我觉得变成这一奇妙行业中的一员。
